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m The majority of oceanic methane emissions gets produced in deeper sediment layers of productive coastal areas. This accounts for 75% of the oceans methane emissions.8 The methane created by these microbes mixes with the surrounding water and is emitted to the atmosphere from the ocean surface. louis vuitton outlet WASHINGTON Towards the end of the 1990s, more than a decade and a half after Diet Coke was first introduced, Coca-Cola found itself in a rut. The soda maker's best-selling low calorie drink, popular as it had become, appeared to be topping out in reach. The same was true of cola's archrival Diet Pepsi, as well as the rest of the lighter soda business. "Sales of diet soft drinks remain as sluggish as overeaters after Thanksgiving dinner," The New York Times wrote in the spring of 1997.Reports of diet soda's demise were premature at the time. In the decade that followed, diet sodas grew by more than 30 percent. In 2009, sales pushed above $8.5 billion for the first time.But America's thirst for Diet Coke and its kin is running dry again and this time it could be for good.Sales of low calorie soft drinks in the United States have tumbled by almost 20 percent over the past five years, according to data from market research firm Euromonitor. This year, diet soda sales are on pace to drop another 5 percent. By 2019, they are projected to have fallen off by roughly a third since their peak in 2009.Some of the biggest brands are also some of the biggest losers in America. Diet Coke, which is the third best-selling soda in the United States, has seen its sales fall off by 15 percent in the past two years, and almost a third since 2005. Sales of Diet Pepsi, the second largest low calorie brand, meanwhile, have plummeted by roughly 35 percent.Other less popular carbonated low calorie drinks are suffering, too. Americans buy 25 percent less Diet Dr. Pepper and 33 percent less Diet 7-Up than they did eight years back.Even Coca-Cola Zero, which grew furiously after it's launch in the early 2000s, has seen sales slow to a halt in recent years. Last year, the brand contracted for the first time, according to Eurmonitor.The diet soda slowdown isn't merely an American thing it's also happening worldwide. Globally, regular Coca-Cola and Pepsi are growing, albeit slowly, while their diet counterparts are shrinking pretty quickly. Sales of each were down almost 20 percent in the decade ended last year, according to Euromonitor.But the future of diet colas is particularly cloudy in the United States.Low calorie sodas are fighting an uphill battled against not one but two trends among American consumers. The first is that overall soda consumption has been on the decline since before 2000. Diet sodas, though they might come sugar- and calorie-free, are still sodas, something Americans are proving less and less interested in drinking.The second, and perhaps more significant trend, is a growing mistrust of artificial sweeteners."Consumer's attitudes towards sweeteners have really changed," said Howard Telford, an industry analyst with Euromonitor. "There's a very negative perception about artificial sweeteners. The industry is still trying to get its head around this."Page 2 of 2 - Food and beverage companies, in hopes of quelling growing fears about sugar intake, have invested heavily in sugar substitutes like aspartame.But consumers are proving just as worried about the alternatives as they are about sugar. Studies are abound that show people are becoming more not less wary of sweeteners that aren't straight sucrose. And perhaps with good reason diet soda consumption has recently been linked to the development of belly fat.In response, the American Beverage Association has worked tirelessly to remind people that fears of aspartame and other sugar substitutes are overblown. "Low-calorie sweeteners are some of the most studied and reviewed ingredients in the food supply today," the group said in a 2013 statement. "They are safe and an effective tool in weight loss and weight management, according to decades of scientific research and regulatory agencies around the globe."Neither Coca-Cola nor Pepsi responded immediately to requests for comment about this story.Still, the doubts have fed a decline in diet drinks."We are seeing a fundamental shift in consumer habits and behaviors,'' PepsiCo Inc. Chairman Indra Nooyi told investors in 2013.Two years later, that shift has only deepened, furthering the need for the industry to reinvent itself. Soda, once marketed as an everyday staple, is now seen as an occasional treat, especially among younger demographics. More than a third of consumers aged 18 to 36 years old consider the drink a treat, according to market research firm Mintel.And that puts soda's diet counterparts, who are decidedly not indulgent, in an odd place. If people are going to treat themselves to a soda every once in a while, why opt for anything other than the original?"People want the real thing," said Telford, who points to the success of Mexican Coke, which is made with cane sugar and has developed a cult following in the United States.
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This exercise will provide you with an early viability indicator. The central question is the highest and best use for the property. Appraisers consider this question in their work, but because it is your money, when they finish, drill down further. What does the neighborhood need that it doesn锟絫 already have? Will reasonable people support a higher purpose? Can you back your case up with facts?What to do next 1. Go to the city planner to introduce yourself. Ask them for their vision for the neighborhood. They may have ideas you hadn锟絫 considered. You may discover some new information about a master plan, unannounced projects and most importantly, what they would support with different zoning. You may also garner a few leads on developers who are working on projects nearby. Additional work in the same neighborhood can be a plus for a developer2. Learn how the municipality thinks. In larger cities, an actual 锟絧roject锟?is highly desirable, if not a condition of a rezoning request. Because rezoning often involves considerable work and potential opposition, some municipal departments shy away from speculative workloads. Elected officials are reluctant to become a political target for a rezoning without an actual project. If a project creates jobs and adds to the tax base, it may be worth fighting for a zoning change. There are always national and regional businesses expanding that will not consider property not currently zoned for their enterprise.3. Work the municipality into your corner. To be able to demonstrate significant tax revenue increases and job creation, will help your cause. Blight elimination, esthetic visual improvement and creating community pride are other community hot buttons. Once you are familiar with the municipality锟絪 views, ask yourself this question; Will the future use you envision fit into the neighborhood? As an example, condominium use may bring few objections, but a laundromat would be more difficult if the majority of properties are single family owner occupied homes. Why? Most every homeowner already has a washer and dryer.Page 2 of 2 - 4. The best project should become evident. A visual representation sells. Consider a 锟絯ork for hire锟?designer or architect to create a rough visual, full-color, three-dimensional rendering of the finished product. Designing the most likely commercial uses into the property depends on neighborhood demographics and needs. Be prepared to make concessions on the commercial uses like laundromats, billiard rooms and pawnshops. Also, is the neighborhood a walking neighborhood or a driving neighborhood? If it is driving, most retail business realizes they need parking to survive.5. Do not be glued to the plan. There is a likelihood the plan will change over a real objection a neighbor. Compromise to allow a reasonable change toward a different viewpoint may be necessary to move the project forward. What not to do1. Speak cautiously about the rezoning. It is important to qualify your conversations with words like 锟絜xploratory锟?or 锟絧otentially,锟?to avoid making any assumptive statements. 2. Don锟絫 shout from the rooftops. It is not helpful when affected parties learn of the project through the media. When you are clear about the entire process and have completed your due diligence, including preliminary discussions with interested parties, it is time to talk with the media. Affected neighbors and elected officials (an alderman or ward captain) can perceive an early announcement as assumptive and underhanded.Other considerations- Mixed-use is often viewed positively because it remains residential with added neighborhood services. - When you do not have title to the property, allow enough time in your option/offer to submit the site for rezoning multiple times. 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Commentary and photos submitted to the Missoulian (Missoulian.com) may be published or distributed in print, electronically or other forms. Opinions expressed in Missoulian.com's comments reflect the opinions of the author, and are not necessarily the opinions of the Missoulian or its parent company. See the  and  for more information. coach purses WEDNESDAY: "Dean Smith" is a fitting piece of programming during NCAA tourney time. It's a fond look back at the life and legacy of the legendary University of North Carolina basketball coach, who died last month. 9 p.m., Showtime. k http://www.tomsshoesoutletonline.name
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l Choi Min-sik, 鈥淩oaring Currents鈥?(South Korea) www.hollister.eu.com FOR centuries political philosophers have argued that trade can cure social ills and bring about peace within and between nations. As French social philosopher Alexis De Tocqueville said in the 19th century, Trade is the natural enemy of all violent passions. Trade loves moderation, delights in compromise, and is most careful to avoid anger. Trade makes men independent of one another and gives them a high idea of their personal importance: it leads them to want to manage their own affairs and teaches them to succeed therein. Hence it makes them inclined to liberty. If what Tocqueville says is true, then thriving free trade between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot sectors of Cyprus would have immense benefits. It would increase the embryonic social ties between the two communities by bringing about interdependence and would help bring about the economic parity that many, including the EU, argue would help bring about the as-yet-only-dreamt-of political union between the two sides. It would also help bring about the economic integration, and later political integration of a community, namely the Turkish Cypriots, that has, because of its exclusion from international trade and politics, sought refuge in its only benefactor, Turkey. In theory, free trade could do as much, if not more, than politicians seeking to unite or reunite two peoples who have sold virtually nothing to one another for decades.But theories alone are not enough to instigate trade relations across the UN buffer zone, or Green Line , that separates the two. As Irish political philosopher Edmond Burke said: Free trade is not built on utility, but on justice .If one believes that justice , or in other words, a fair environment, is necessary for business to thrive between individuals or societies, then it is easy for anyone who knows Cyprus to understand why so little is traded between the two. Whether one is Greek or Turkish Cypriot, there are numerous reasons not to trade across the divide, and they all stem from a mirrored perception of injustice. Last month, social scientists from the Nicosia office of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo launched a book entitled, Intra-island trade in Cyprus Obstacles, oppositions and psychological barriers. In the book, they describe how trade with Turkish Cypriots reminds Greek Cypriots of the 1974 trauma , and how Turkish Cypriots are reminded of the trauma of the 1960s when they try to sell in Greek Cypriot markets. In the wake of Cyprus entry to the EU in 2004, Brussels decided that Turkish Cypriot businesspeople, although not under the Cyprus government s or the EU s jurisdiction, ought to be allowed access to markets in south Cyprus and the EU. For this to happen, the EU Commission devised the Green Line regulation, a formula which allowed, as well as unhindered island-wide travel for EU citizens, limited trade across the Green Line. Most of the trade, it was envisaged, would be from north to south as Turkish Cypriot traders finally found a way of overcoming the embargoes that had for years barred them from European markets. Initially, the range of products they were allowed to export was extremely limited, but in the ensuing four years the range has broadened to include most basic agricultural foodstuffs. Still, the rule remains in place that all goods crossing the line in this context must be wholly produced in Cyprus. So how much do Turkish Cypriots sell in the south or to European markets beyond? The answer is very little . In 2004, when the regulation was still new, 475,000 worth of goods crossed. Last year it was 4.9 million. Some might say this is a significant percentage increase, but it is not especially when compared with the $70 million worth of exports that leave the north via Famagusta to Turkey.Regardless of the fact that Turkish Cypriots could never get rich from selling tomatoes, olives, or fish across the Green Line, one cannot help but wonder a little at why so few are taking the opportunity to sell their wares in the south. The first reason is that the range of products they are allowed to sell is so narrow. The hellim, or halloumi, made in the north cannot be sold across the Line because dairy products remain on the not allowed list, as do all meat products. The north s line of alcoholic beverages also remains off limits. In fact, all Turkish Cypriots are allowed to sell are some agricultural produce, raw materials for building, and furniture. Stringent checks at crossing points call on Turkish Cypriot traders to prove beyond doubt that they have not imported produce from Turkey in order to try and pass it off as Turkish Cypriot. To attempt such a thing would be in the financial interest of traders as Turkish produce is generally cheaper than the Turkish Cypriot variety. And the fact that Turkish Cypriot heavy-goods vehicles are not allowed into the south also inhibits the flow of goods, adding cost and inconvenience to the equation. Complicated and duplicated taxation also discourages traders from Green Line trading as sellers are subject to taxation and duties on both sides. In all, trying to sell from the north into the south is an expensive, time-consuming and demoralising process, and, as the researchers point out, the stringent checks at crossing points tend to remind Turkish Cypriots of what they recall as the institutionalised persecution and intimidation that foreshadowed the Turkish invasion of 1974. If Turkish Cypriots are to be persuaded to trade more in the south, say the researchers, they have to feel that what they are doing is not bordering on illegal, and that they are not compromising their self-esteem in the process. The researchers describe the overriding feeling among Turkish Cypriots trying to trade as that of fear of inferiority . Foremost is a feeling of numerical inferiority that comes from being a member of a smaller ethnic group. Also, being on the whole less affluent than Greek Cypriots, coupled with first or second hand memory of past victimisations, renders Green Line trade a humiliating experience for many.It is not surprising then that while 37 Turkish Cypriot businessmen joined the International Cyprus Trade Fair in south Nicosia in 2004, only one took part in 2007.Shopping in the south, however, appears to pose few problems for Turkish Cypriots, who seem to have no qualms about travelling there to stock up on household groceries and, to some extent, consumer durables. In fact, according to the research, Turkish Cypriots spent almost 16 million in the south, and that only includes money spent on credit cards. In short, the problem is not that they cannot buy from the Greek Cypriots, it is that they cannot sell. Correspondingly, Greek Cypriots seem to be able to sell to Turkish Cypriots, but they do not feel comfortable buying from them. This stems, the researchers say, from a tendency towards denial . The prevailing atmosphere [is] the idea that any dealings with Turkish Cypriots, however small, are somehow not legitimate and may be considered as some form of recognition of the pseudo state . Worryingly, numerous attempts by the researchers to interview potential Green Line traders were met with suspicion and hostility. A classic response was, We don t consider the issue important so we don t find any reason to talk about it . This sense of denial was found to be deep seated even in the minds of supermarket owners who denied even being aware that large numbers of Turkish Cypriots frequented their stores. Seeing that trade is deemed vital in helping to create new bonds between the two main communities on the island, it is vexing that neither of the governments on the island appear to actively encourage it. Perhaps Cypriot leaders too are subject to the emotional damage evident in many of their countrymen. Whether or not they are, the institute has called on the leaderships to get over it and create an environment in which intra-island business can thrive. Doing so, the researchers say, could only help bring about the solution both leaders profess to want. The first thing they could do is to openly encourage trade . This would help lift the taboo surrounding inter-communal business. The governments should work towards overcoming blockages at crossing points and towards streamlining bureaucracy so that companies pay tax only once.Overall, crossing points need to be made more business friendly , the researchers say, so that Turkish Cypriots in particular do not feel they are depending on the goodwill of police and customs when crossing the Green Line with goods. Vitally important too is that businesses and officials both sides of the Line are properly informed about the law and the provisions of the Green Line regulations.After all, how can business thrive if even the customs officials at the crossing are not sure of the rules?
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