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From this newspaper 100 years ago. 鈥?Scorton Brewster Sessions. The adjourned Brewster Sessions for the Gilling East Division were held at Scorton on Tuesday. Sir J E Backhouse, Bart., presided, and the other justices present were Messrs H Cail, C H Johnson and R Wilson. The Magistrates' Clerk (Mr A W Smith) said he had received the following letter from the Deputy Chief Constable of the Riding (Supt. Wright):- "As you are probably aware there has of late been a large influx of men of the navvy type into the district of Catterick, occasioned by the making of a railway in connection with the new military camp in course of construction in that locality. It is reported to me by the Superintendent at  that a good deal of excessive drinking is indulged in by those working there, and with a view to restricting this is some degree an application will be made by me, or Supt Haw on my behalf, to the Justices assembled at Scorton Petty Sessions for an order under the Intoxicating Liquor (Temporary Restriction) Act, 1914, suspending the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquors in all licensed houses and clubs after 9pm within the petty sessional district of Gilling East." In addition to that he received a petition the previous day with an accompanying letter from Mr J Burne, in which he stated that the parish of Brompton-on-Swale was almost unanimously in favour of the necessary steps being taken for the closing of the public-houses in the Brompton township at 9pm., which was rendered advisable owing to the great influx of workmen in connection with the construction of the railway and new military camp. The petition was signed by all the members of the Parish Council, and Mr Burne added that Col Hexham, who had charge of the camp, would also be very glad for the magistrates to take action. The Vicar of the parish (the Rev E W Rowland) had also written stating that he would be very grateful if the four public-houses (two in Brompton-on-Swale and two at Catterick Bridge) closed at 9pm on account in the increased drunkenness that had prevailed in that vicinity since the arrival of the navvies. In reply to the Bench, Supt Haw said he thought any order made should apply to the whole of the Gilling East division. Further questioned, he said he thought it was desirable that the hours in the morning should be restricted. The men were sometimes drunk when they started work in the morning. Eventually the Bench decided that all licensed hours in the division should be closed from 9pm until 8am. christian louboutin outlet "It's very, very hard, I think, for white people, any white people, to understand just what that loss of a precious life does to the constant state of random vulnerability that Americans of color feel," he said.
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